The Vermont Green Business Program (VT GBP) is an environmental assistance and recognition program for businesses in the Green Mountain State that support sustainable business practices.
It is administered by the Vermont Environmental Assistance Office (EAO) of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). VT GBP is a no-cost, voluntary program that promotes improved environmental and economic performance and enhances public recognition for environmental excellence of Vermont businesses.
From the Program’s inception EAO partnered with the VT Small Business Development Center. Now in the Program’s 17th year, the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) has been selected to help coordinate the Vermont Green Business Program in partnership with EAO.
In addition, NERC is working with the Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility and the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund to further support the VT GBP.
NERC is a non-profit organization that conducts research, projects, training, and outreach on issues associated with source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and environmentally preferable purchasing.
Published in the April 2017 Edition of American Recycler News