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Plastics Recycling

DaVinci Roofscapes recycled 800,000 pounds of polymer in 2015

DaVinci Roofscapes, a leader in synthetic slate and shake roofing tiles, disclosed that it almost tripled the amount of processed polymer it recycled in 2015 over the previous year.

DaVinci Roofscapes produces polymer slate and shake roofing tiles. Each time the manufacturing operation changes color runs, there is a transitioning between colors. Those transition tiles are off spec and are recycled. These tiles are segregated by color and then ground up and molded into starter shingles, which are generally unseen on the roof.

“Because every roofing tile we create is 100 percent recyclable, our operations are extremely environmentally-friendly,” said Bryan Ward, vice president of operations. “In 2016 we’ll take our commitment to recycling a step further by investing in a new grinding recycling system that handles purge (melted chunks of polymer that can weigh approximately 50 lbs.) as well as off spec product. With this new piece of equipment, we anticipate recycling more than a million pounds of polymer a year going forward.”

Published in the June 2016 Edition of American Recycler News


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