General News


Alternative Fuels

A total of $375,960 is available for clean diesel and alternative fuel engine and equipment replacement projects under a competitive grant Request for Proposals (RFP) announced by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

The 2023 Michigan Clean Diesel Program’s RFP targets efforts to replace diesel equipment, vehicles, and engines with zero tailpipe emission, hybrid, or alternative fuel vehicles, engines, or equipment. Applicants can be any of the following: private businesses/farms; cities; townships; villages; county government agencies; public school districts; private schools; public transit agencies; port authorities; metropolitan planning organizations; or nonprofit organizations.

Applications will be accepted by email until 5 p.m., EST, March 31, 2023, and projects must be completed by August 31, 2023, and fall into one of three categories:

  • Agricultural Irrigation Pump Diesel Engine Replacement with Electric Equipment: Diesel engine must be replaced with an electric motor, or if the engine powers a generator that runs a submersible pump, by directly connecting the submersible pump to the electric grid. Funding may cover up to 60 percent of the cost of the electric motor, installation, and/or required electrical infrastructure (including electric line extension).
  • Vehicle Replacement: Funding may cover up to 35 percent of the cost of eligible vehicles that meet the California Air Resource Board’s optional low oxides of nitrogen standards, and up to 45 percent of the cost of an all-electric vehicle replacement. Eligible drayage vehicle replacement may be funded up to 50 percent.
  • Engine Replacement: Funding includes, but is not limited to, replacing diesel engines with an engine certified for use with an alternative fuel (e.g., compressed natural gas or propane), or a zero-tailpipe emissions power source (grid battery or fuel cell). Funding for engine replacement may cover up to 40 percent for alternative fuel engines; 50 percent for low-nitrogen oxide and up to 60 percent for replacement with zero emission engines.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations have resulted in newly made diesel engines that create less pollution than ever before; however, millions of older, dirtier engines are still in use. In the journey toward zero-emissions vehicles and equipment, there will be a period of transition where diesel and propane technology are replaced with cleaner technologies and will be part of a bridge toward new technologies. EGLE’s Clean Diesel Program will continue to incentivize zero-emission engines, and this year’s RFP will be focused on replacement of agricultural irrigation pump diesel engines, diesel-powered vehicles, engines, and equipment with zero-emission replacements.

State and federal money fund the project, with the federal portion provided by the EPA, in accordance with the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act.

Visit the Michigan Clean Diesel Program website to download the full RFP application.


Published in the March 2023 Edition

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