Solid Waste

NRRA names 2024 recycling award winners

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA), named the 2024 Recycling Award winners – Steve Bean, Recycler of the Year; Alex DeCoste, Rookie of the Year; Environmental Projects Inc. (EPI), Vendor of the Year; Susanne Simon, Continuing Education Award; and Liz Bedard, Honorary Lifetime Membership.

Steve Bean, transfer station manager for the Town of Littleton, New Hampshire received the highest award as Recycler of the Year. This lifetime achievement honors those who best combine the qualities of commitment, leadership, and enthusiasm in developing and sustaining an environmentally and financially sound solid waste management program. Bean has shown his commitment to recycling and waste diversion, especially in New Hampshire’s North Country, working closely with NRRA to implement diversion programs in Littleton and supporting smaller, neighboring towns in their waste diversion efforts as well. Steve can regularly be seen attending or speaking at NRRA events, including the Recycling Conference, the Annual Meeting, and regular board meetings as a trustee.

Alex DeCoste, transfer station foreman for the Town of Gilmanton, New Hampshire received the NRRA Rookie of the Year award, which is given to an innovative solid waste operator who is new to a position. Since his start, DeCoste has worked hard to transform the facility while learning on the job, in partnership with NRRA. He routinely thinks outside of the box, which has led to improved transfer station operations.

Environmental Projects Inc. (EPI) stands out for its demonstrated high excellence in service to NRRA’s municipal members, earning them the Vendor of the Year award. The New England-based hazardous waste removal company maintains a state-of-the-art hazardous waste transfer facility and works with NRRA to provide household hazardous waste (HHW) events at member transfer stations and recycling centers. EPI has provided 53 HHW events for NRRA members in the past three years, helping communities to safely and effectively manage dangerous waste that by law cannot be discarded with municipal waste.

Susanne Simon, transfer station coordinator for the Town of Thetford, Vermont received the NRRA Continuing Education Award after attending numerous NRRA events – including the Food Waste Diversion workshop series and the Annual Recycling Conference – and earning 20.25 hours of credit. NRRA appreciates Simon’s commitment to continuing education to better serve her community.

Liz Bedard, a now retired NRRA Hall of Fame recipient, has earned a Honorary Lifetime Membership. This recognition was created in 2023 in appreciation for NRRA’s decades long history – a testament to the dedication of long serving volunteers and staff. Bedard was a signer of NRRA’s original charter.

Published December 2024

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