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Plastics Recycling

PLASTICS applauds introduction of recycling infrastructure legislation

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) and America’s Plastic Makers, a division of the American Chemistry Council, commended U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) for her leadership and steadfast commitment to recycling innovation through the Strategies to Eliminate Waste and Accelerate Recycling Development (STEWARD) Act. PLASTICS and America’s Plastic Makers also applauded U.S. Representatives Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) and Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) for introducing the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act (RIAA), an important component of the broader STEWARD Act framework.

Senator Capito’s leadership has been critical in driving investments and advancing sustainable solutions to improve recycling infrastructure and enhance recycling capabilities nationwide. The complementary introduction of the RIAA further supports these efforts by establishing a vital EPA pilot program to significantly expand recycling access, especially in rural and underserved communities. This legislation promotes increased transfer stations, improved curbside recycling services, and strengthened public-private partnerships to streamline recycling processes, reduce costs, and support local job creation.

PLASTICS and America’s Plastic Makers remain committed to collaborating with policymakers, industry stakeholders, and communities to ensure successful passage and effective implementation of these key initiatives.

Published March 2025


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