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Service Spotlight

Service Spotlight | MAY 2018 Equipment Refurbishers


Provider List

Atlantic Recycling Equipment
Todd Hager
BE Equipment
Jeff Mondelblatt
Crigler Enterprises
Ken Roberts
Norton Equipment Co.
J.T. Norton
Recycling Equipment Inc.
Dean Burrow
Recycling Equipment Repair
Bob Simms
Speed/Tech Equipment
Terry Blom
Winter Equipment
Mark O’Neal

As markets fluctuate, reconditioning equipment may sometimes be a more attractive path than replacement.

Crigler Enterprises offers rebuild services for recycling equipment nationwide. “We provide soup-to-nuts services – from simple repairs to complete frame up restoration. Crigler offers new electrical controls on all forms of balers, shears, loggers, compactors – and if it is found in a scrap yard, recycling facility or distribution center, we work on it. We always put the customer first and so are dedicated to finding the right solution for our clients, whether that involves rebuilding and updating their existing equipment or finding a new machine. Our qualified salesmen have over 60 years collective experience and can help with anything from a small corrugated operation all the way to large OCC sort systems sales and rebuilds,” said Kathryn Renzi, president.

She noted that while it can be a challenge to find and maintain qualified personnel, Crigler has some of the best technicians available. They are always looking for good people to help them further expand their rebuild service program. “We have crews based out of Atlanta and Miami. As we refurbish machines, we do our best to elevate technological efficiency for clients, often through the use of new processors and sensors. We are also the Southeast distributors for Harris Equipment and American Baler Company,” Renzi stated.

She also mentioned how it seems that waste haulers and municipalities are steadily building more material recovery facilities and “efficiency has improved, due to technology such as optical sortation and other mechanical separation technology. This in turn, has reduced the level of labor required at facilities now.”

Norton Equipment Company provides a full rebuild when refurbishing equipment, whether providing the service for a client or working on a machine that will be sold by Norton. “We strip a machine down to the bare frame and touch every part, rebuilding or replacing cylinders, installing new hoses, re-bearing motors, implementing a rewind if necessary – and a change of oil and filters/strainers. We inspect all electrical components, check safeties to ensure they are compliant with industry standards, clean and paint the machine, and even add new decal kits. Machines are in ‘like new’ condition when our refurbishment process is complete,” explained J.T. Norton, service manager. The firm’s full service department works to keep customers up and running, with services in general repairs, on-site major repairs and preventive maintenance programs.

Norton also sells new equipment – compactors from apartment sizes up to five yard pre-crushers, self-contained and receiver boxes; balers, including verticals, closed doors, auto ties, large two-rams; conveyors and other equipment used by recyclers. “There aren’t always funds available for new equipment and the cost of a refurbished machine is roughly half of new. The lead time for refurbished is also much shorter than factory lead times. We stand behind every piece of equipment we install and offer long term maintenance and repair of the products. We also enjoy educating clients about the benefits and revenue that can be generated from a well-trained recycling program, potentially a great savings for companies with landfill costs, hauling costs, etc.,” Norton stated. The company serves the southeastern U.S., focusing mainly on Mississippi, Tennessee, and eastern Arkansas, working in large warehouses, grocery stores, paper plants, scrap yards and factories.





Published in the May 2018 Edition of American Recycler News


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