Metal Recycling

Steel Dynamics annouces new leadership promotions

Steel Dynamics, Inc. announced leadership promotions for Christopher Graham, Richard Poinsatte, Angela Reeve, Christopher Gionti, and Daniel Keown.

Christopher Graham, senior vice president Flat Roll Steel Group
Graham will assume responsibility and oversight for the company’s Flat Roll Steel Group, comprised of three EAF flat rolled steel mills and numerous other flat rolled steel processing locations, representing over 11 million tons of annual shipping capability. Graham will continue to report to Barry Schneider, president and chief operating officer.
Graham will also remain the interim lead for the company’s Long Products Steel Group until a replacement is named.

Richard Poinsatte, senior vice president and treasurer of Steel Dynamics – finance, business development, and risk
Poinsatte has been promoted to senior vice president of Steel Dynamics and will continue to report to Theresa Wagler. Poinsatte joined Steel Dynamics in 2000, as the chief financial officer of one of the company’s joint venture businesses, which is now part of the steel fabrication platform. During his time with Steel Dynamics, he has held positions of increasing responsibility, including the operating position of general manager of the company’s Florida steel fabrication plant. Since 2008, he has been responsible for the company’s treasury, risk, and legal applications.

Angela Reeve, vice president of Steel Dynamics – human resources
Angela Reeve has been promoted to vice president of Steel Dynamics and will continue to report to Theresa Wagler, executive vice president and chief financial officer. Reeve has been a champion of the company’s culture and people since close to its founding, joining the company in 1995. During that time, she has held increasing leadership roles in the areas of compensation, benefits, and human resources, holding leadership positions in these areas since 2012 – most recently as the companywide human resources director.

Christopher Gionti, vice president of Steel Dynamics and general manager Structural and Rail Steel Division
Gionti has been promoted to vice president of Steel Dynamics in recognition of his contributions to the company’s operations and leadership. Gionti has been responsible for the company’s Structural and Rail Steel Division as its general manager since 2014, and he will continue in this role. Gionti joined Steel Dynamics in 1998 as a plant mechanical engineer at the company’s Butler Flat Roll Steel Division and progressively grew in leadership responsibilities, including manager roles at the Engineered Bar Products Steel Division and as an operations manager within the flat rolled steel processing operations.

Daniel Keown, vice president of Steel Dynamics and general manager Columbus Flat Roll Steel Division
Keown has been promoted to vice president of Steel Dynamics in recognition of his contributions to the company’s operations and leadership. Since 2021, Keown has been responsible for the company’s Columbus Flat Roll Steel Division as its general manager, and he will continue in this role. Keown joined Steel Dynamics in 1998 as a process engineer at the company’s Butler Flat Roll Steel Division and grew in leadership responsibilities, including leading the Engineered Bar Products Steel Division as its general manager from 2014 to 2021.

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