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Solid Waste

TDEC grants to boost recycling education

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation announced $332,953 in grants for Education and Outreach and Organics Management for projects to help reduce landfill waste and increase recycling education in Tennessee.

The grant program encourages and supports local communities to meet solid waste and recycling goals. Local governments can divert more waste from landfills through infrastructure upgrades and provide convenient opportunities for residents to get engaged in the process.

The grants are administered by TDEC’s Division of Solid Waste Management.

The Education and Outreach grant will help local governments produce material needed to consistently promote waste reduction and recycling best practices for established solid waste programs. The primary purpose is to inform residents what they can recycle, where they can recycle, and when they can recycle.

Organics Management grants are for counties, cities, solid waste authorities, and other tax-exempt nonprofit recycling entities designated as 501c(3) organizations. The grants prioritize public/private partnerships, new or expanded organics management services, and reductions in food waste.


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