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Plastics Recycling

UK household plastics collection reported for 2014 released by ReCoup

The Recoup UK Household Collection Survey is a research-based report that provides a review of the services in place to collect household plastics for recycling in the United Kingdom (UK).

The scale and progress for recycling from 1994 has been significant. The survey reports two milestones being reached. Since reporting began, the UK has now collected over two million tons of plastic bottles and half a million tons of pots, tubs and trays for recycling. Recoup estimates that’s nearly 50 billion bottles and trays saved from landfill in the last 20 years.

It is reported that 464,433 tons of plastics packaging was collected from UK households in 2013 (this refers to the 2013 calendar and 2013/2014 financial year), an increase of 24,000 tons, or a 5.5 percent increase on the previous year.

At the end of March 2013, 400 of the 406 collection authorities in the UK provided a curbside recycling collection that included plastic bottles. Recycling of plastic bottles continues to plateau, with a modest increase of approximately 10,000 tons, or 3 percent, increase from the previous year.

Consumer communications have become increasingly important, with the launch of Pledge 4 Plastics in September and its first campaigns now taking place, future central support and financial investment from existing and new partners is a priority.

There has been a steady increase in collection levels for plastic pots, tubs and trays, with 14,000 more tons collected, an 11 percent increase over the previous year.

With 271 local authorities offering a curbside collection that includes pots, tubs and trays this means only another 34 local authorities need to collect this plastic format before it has implications for On Pack Recycling Label (OPRL). The OPRL scheme aims to deliver a simple and consistent recycling message on both retailer and brand packaging to help consumers recycle more.

Once 75 percent (305) of local authorities collect plastic pots, tubs and trays the message can change from “check local recycling” to “widely recycled”. If new programs continue to be rolled out at the current rate, widely recycled could be seen on pots, tubs and trays in early 2016.


Published in the March 2015 Edition of American Recycler News





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